Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recipe Link: Lemon Cupcakes with Blueberry Buttercream

First, and VERY foremost, I CANNOT take credit for this delicious recipe!!
See, there is this lady, named Jamie, and she has this AWESOME blog, called My Baking addiction.
I wouldn't say that I am a lurker of the blog anymore, because I am a follower!
She doesn't really know it, I don't think, but I think her recipes are the bomb diggity!
Fo Realz Yo!

Anyway, I tried this delicious cupcake recipe a couple of weeks ago and then I forced the product on all of my neighbors and friends!
I didn't get a complaint one!
In fact, one of the neighbor boys said he wanted an entire cake made just like this! hehe!

So, I thought I'd link up over at For the Love of Blogs Tasty Tuesday.
Because seriously, these cupcakes are the epitome of tasty!!!

Here is a little peek into my experience making these yummies!
There were a few techniques that I tried for the very first time, like zesting SOOOO many lemons!
I had zested, but not to this extent! But, it was so worth it because it was a great workout and the cupcakes just wouldn't have been so good without it!
This was also my first time coring and adding a filling to the middle of my cupcakes.
All in all, I think they were probably the best ones I have made-To Date!

For the entire recipe and baking directions please visit: My Baking Addiction

Until Then...


  1. Wow, these look and sound amazing. Want to send me a box so I can try?!? Or, I guess I could just try them myself :) Thanks for sharing the recipe, stopped over from FTLOB

  2. Wow! Those look amazing and fancy! I'm very impressed with your piping abilities! I can never make icing look nice for the life of me!

    XO, Katie
    Running on Happiness

  3. Oh my. Those look amazing!!! Definitely on my "to try" list!
