Friday, April 01, 2011

MCP Project 52: Week 12 "Just for Fun" and a CD Purchase

Lots of thoughts this evening.
I took my photo for this week.
It's definitely not the most creative or artistic photo that I have ever taken.
But, it serves its purpose.
See, the theme was "Just for Fun".
But, this week was sorta mundane.
I am still struggling with the working out and eating right thing.
Shocker, I know!
The weather is much nicer--so, I would like to start running.
But, I haven't!
So, my picture was a subliminal message and feeble attempt to convince myself that running can be F-U-N!

Can you see it?!?
Can you see the message?
Sneaky eh?

For real though...I'm going to get it just wait and see!

I'm about to go buy something awesome!

A friend of mine raved about it on FB (Kierra if you're reading-you rock!)
I previewed all the songs on iTunes and it sounds amazing!
She sings from her soul (or at least she makes you think she is!)
The album is reminiscent of olden days and I think that is so very RAD!

What are you guys listening to these days??
I also seem to be on a Texas Country kick!
If you want to know exactly what that is lemme know!

Until Then.....

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