Hey guys! Miss me?!? It's looking like things are settling back down for awhile and I have LOTS to say! First things first, I haven't posted my MCP submissions for my 52 week project in two weeks!
I haven't missed a week yet, although, I had to get pretty creative with last weeks submission!
Can I get a Halleluuu for the iPhone!?!
Can I get a Halleluuu for the iPhone!?!
The theme for week 11 was "Darks and Lights". I decided to take a little bit of an alternate route. How appropriate was it that my BFF was in town and we were able to get this shot!?!?
And, week 12's suggestion was "From the Jewelry Box". I was really worried about this theme because I had already thrown jewelry into my "Dress Up" photo. I ended up taking a shot from the jewelry display in Forever 21 in Times Square! The jewelry box can't get any bigger or better than that joint!
This was my very first shot that I submitted using my iPhone camera. I used the oh so awesome Instagram app for iPhone and uploaded my photo with the Flikr app!
I had to pat myself on the back for that resourcefulness!
I did all of this while riding the train home from NYC!!!
(more to come on that one later!)
So, what do you guys think about that?!? For week 13 (my lucky number!) I am looking for "Just for Fun" inspiration!
Thank you guys SOOOO much for hanging in there during my brief hiatus! I can't wait to share all of our antics with you!
Until Then...

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