Friday, November 08, 2013


Hey strangers! I have been sorta absent here for a couple weeks. My parents came to visit and I really like to spend every minute with them when they are here because we don't get many a year.

I have still been following my OBS group - we are on Chapter 6 of Renee Swope's A Confident Heart. I wanted to make sure to participate in this weeks Blog Hop and we were challenged with the topic of writing a letter to ourselves, as a reminder, that because of Jesus, we are good enough. Pretty big task I'd say.... I often find myself over thinking things - participating in one of the battles that are just part of the war that rages inside a mind. Some would call it your conscience. I imagine those corny TV renderings of a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The voice whispers things like:
You shouldn't have said that.
Do you think you were nice enough?
kind enough?
genuine enough?
diligent enough?
too harsh?
patient enough?
thankful enough?

....this list could get long right?!? I have a feeling most of us experience this, in one way or another. When I actually sat down to put the proverbial pen to paper and write the letter I felt lost for words. I decided to go to my "stash" of inspiring quotes and look for motivation. Thanks Pinterest! Here goes nothing....

Dear Self,

In the end - I didn't get a traditional letter written to myself, but I did get plenty of wise words to look upon when I feel those doubts of insecurity creeping in!

Until Then...

Photo Credit-
Augusten Burroughs - Spiritual Inspiration - Joshua 1:9 
Grace Says - Steve Maraboli - Grace - Value
Divine Plan - Proverbs 16:9 - Luke 22:49


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Your nontraditional letter is awesome!

  2. I love this. What an awesome way to write your letter and remember it. Great idea Jess! I especially love the one that says, "You are where God wants you to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of his divine plan." Thanks you! Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader)

  3. Wow--what a great way to take the traditional assignment and turn it into something wholly original! I loved this and will definitely be sharing your stuff on Pinterest. I would like to know if it is possible to use any of these for creating graphics for my small group on Facebook. I don't want to use any pics or graphics without permission, and I will be happy to credit you in whatever way you would prefer. Thanks!
    ~~Sandi Brewer, OBS Small Group Leader

    1. Hey Sandi! Thanks so much for your kind comment!!! I would love to be able to give you permission to use the awesome graphics I used above, but, they actually aren't mine either! At the very bottom of my post I put up links to the photo credits - but even then some of the very original sources were difficult to locate because I couldn't find where others had listed their sources. A lot of the actual quote sources can be located but unfortunately not the actual graphic creator! If you do manage to find some let me know! I definitely like to give all due credit too!!! Thanks again for your kind words and come back often! :)

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    very creative and eye catching, I loved this.

  5. This letter is very clever! And thank you Lord for Pinterest! Loved your post!
