Thursday, May 26, 2011

Live from the Heart of Yourself

Oh my gracious,
please tell me that I was NOT the only one bawling my eyes out during Oprah's last show today!?!
I will be the first to admit, 
I have never been an
every. single. day
can't. miss. an episode
Oprah watcher.
I have tuned in several times to see things that I felt were entertaining, informational, or striking.
I actually stumbled onto the final episode today, on accident.

It was exactly where I needed to be.
I swear I felt like she wrote that speech just for me. 
She really is a brilliant and inspirational woman.

I encourage you to go here and watch this excerpt from today's farewell episode.
Oprah is speaking about finding your calling in life.
Your platform,
your audience.
It really made me think about the kind of person that I am,
that I want to be,
how I want my audience to view me.
She says your audience may only be a few people.
That your stage may look very different from hers.
That you may or may not get paid to perform.

I imagine my stage to be my day to day life.
My audience to be all the people that I encounter.
My family,
my friends,
my unborn children,
complete strangers,
my readers,
(those both known and unknown)

These people are always watching.
The real question is what kind of mark do I want to leave on them?
I know that I want to
I want to exude positivity
and be a role model.
I want to be the girl that people say-
"She was just the kindest person I know!"

Sometimes, I feel myself fighting,
trying to sabotage the goodness,
trying to succumb to the masses.
I am, alas, human.
sometimes I cave.

But, thanks to people like Oprah and the farewell speech she gave today,
I will forever be inspired to continue to fight the good fight.

Dear Oprah,
I saved your last episode on my DVR,
and I am hoping that no one erases it without my permission--
I plan to watch it often to be reminded of the good I can do.

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