It would only be fitting that I posted about Mommas today.
This year especially,
it has been at the forefront of my mind,
that so many people are without their mother's physical presence today.
Whether it be that she has joined The Lord,
or that you live a great distance from her,
and for some, may not have even met her.
It humbles me.
I am reminded that I have been blessed.
My mother is here with me.
I live a great distance from her now.
But, this year, I am here.
And, every year, I get to spend a lot of time with her.
Here are a few things you should know about Mamma Johnson.
She did my hair for me until I was prolly 15....
I'd still let her do it today.
She made sure my sister and I always had the cutest clothes.
She was there for the skinned knees, broken hearts, and days gone wrong.
She will continue to be there, in good times and bad.
She accepts me for everything that I am,
and all of the things I am not.
There aren't enough words,
nor enough space
to do her justice.
The relationship between a mother and a daughter is irreplaceable.
And, do you know what this momma did for me?!?
This momma endured labor,
played taxi driver,
and cheered on
this precious gift.
(good LAWD he's handsome!!)
and for that, I am forever grateful.
And how about this one,
She's my memaw,
she taught me everything I know about letting a child be a child,
and a person be un-perfect,
because that makes them perfect.
I owe huge Thanks to this next lady,
(my Memaw Emmons)
(my Memaw Emmons)
she gave me
my love for the smell of books,
the serenity of a library,
and my appreciation for a good read.
Guess who this is?
is my beautiful,
(because she's not little or a baby anymore)
See, she has grown into a
and kind woman.
Who will someday,
be like a second Momma to my kids.
And the best Momma to her own.
And that friends, is only a fraction of the women that make a difference in my life.
I am taking a wild guess here.
But, I think, that even if your mother is not with you today.
She is there in spirit and in heart.
She was once the one who
kissed your ouchies,
hugged your neck,
gave you sugars,
(that's kisses in memaw speak)
wiped your tears,
cheered you on,
bailed you out,
jumped for joy,
read to you,
braided your hair,
loved you
So, today,
go out and celebrate that woman,
whoever she is,
wherever you are.
I have to leave you with this video about "Muthas" from a Mom who will make you laugh!
Happy "Mutha's" Day!!!
Until Then....

What a wonderful post and tribute to mothers! You have a very nice blog here, I found you on FTLOB.