Thursday, April 07, 2011

I Pledge.. and a Game of Tag

Guess what friends?!?
I have been meeting so many new bloggy friends thanks to the UBP 2011!!
On Angel's blog I read about this cool pledge!
Thanks Em Jay for creating this and sharing with us!
It's called the Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge and I'm so IN!
*create, inspire, and admire rather than compete with fellow bloggers
*be understanding of each other-- in the blogging community, as well as in the world
*stay away from internet/blogging bullying
*speak my opinion freely, while still being mindful of other's feelings-- be tactful.
*make an effort--no matter how big or small the gesture, to spread kindness or joy to others
*acknowledge that I will make mistakes, (I am only human) but remember to learn from them
*know that at times I will post about the negative stuff in life, and maybe even some complaining (I am only human) but I will always follow up with something happy/positive too.
*believe that this world is a good place, filled with good people.
Cool Right?!?
Another one of my new friends just happens to be the neat blogger behind
Live by the sun, Luv by the Moon
Isn't that just the cuh-utest blog name?!?
Anyway, I got TAGGED by her!
Another blog first for me!
Here is how it works.
All, I have to do is just answer the "about me questions" and then pass it on to a few other RAD bloggers!
So here goes!
A list of favorites!
food: Yes please! I pretty much like it all. I'll try anything once.
So, yes, I have had a prairie oyster, a regular oyster, crawfish, all types of raw seafood, and I'll be trying Snow Goose Jerky very soon.
(Yep, hubster hunts and fishes and all that good stuff!) 
color: Again, I love them all equally!
I think each color has it's special place!
animal: I have a definite affinity to D-OH-GEES!!!
I love them alllllll-I would own a dog farm like Ceasar Milan if it was possible!
sports team: I'm a tried and true kinda gal-once I pick a team I stick with them through thick and thin.
No band wagons here!
College anything- I'll always root for my Red Raiders!! Go Texas Tech!
Pro Football: I never really had a team until I moved up Nawth- Let's Go Ravens!!
Pro Baseball- I like the Astros but they really stink! (wellll they do!)
But, I'd watch the Orioles any day and I'll always root for the Red Sox because Hubster is a Yankees Fan! :)
dessert: Wow, I'm sure not playin favorites here!
I am obsessed with all things cute and sugary.
You have definitely won me over if you come in "mini" as well.
Cheesecake, Cupcakes, Bars, Cakes, Puddings...I could go on for days!
artist: Welp, see I think art can be anything you want it to be.
Some people might hear the word artist and think painter.
But, my favorite artists are all these lovely ladies in blog land who are so very clever and creative and are NOT a huge chain!
You go girls!
pair of shoes: My go to shoes in the winter are my black Chuck Taylor All Stars or my brown leather riding boots. Summer time you will always find me in a sweet pair of flippy floppys or the cutest cowboy boots!!!
I would never pass up a pair of comfy boat shoes or cutie pie flats either!
outfit: Anything that makes me feel good and confident about myself and my body is a for sure favorite!
skinny jeans: I'll wear any of them that look good on me! In the winter they are paired with long shirts and riding boots.
OCCASIONALLY, you might find me rockin a pair of flats...when I'm feelin skinny!
brand: Brand of?!? I'm not a name brand kinda gal. If I like it and it's a big brand OK...If I like it and it's not a name brand OK!
perfume: Oh sweet, expensive, Donna Karen "Cashmere Mist"!!

accessory: I LOVE tha CHOES! (shoes)
AND Sunglasses are a must!!!
city: You kiddin me?!? I make the most of them all.
Life's a party!
hobby: Are we noticing a pattern here?!?
That I love a lil bit of everything?!?
Need me to go on?!?
beauty product: The only real thing I can not live without is chap stick and lotion...if my lips or hands get dry...I'll die!!!
holiday: This may seem sad to some, but to me it's kinda cool.
Hubster has a job that forces us to be apart on A LOT of holidays.
So, we have spent time celebrating holidays on regular ol' days.
Because of that, we have learned to make every day a holiday.
There is ALWAYS a reason to celebrate in our home!
snack: Chips and Salsa
PB and Celery
This list too could go on and on!
movie: I'm not a big movie buff, but, here's a little secret.
I have always had some sort of love affair with Urban Cowboy!
Just somethin about it!
song: Oh man, did you have to ask this?!?
I can't pick one!
I LOVE music!
It makes me happy!
Right now though, I'm loving
Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band
What I'm For by Pat Green
Oh Tonight by Josh Abbott Band
guilty pleasure: SUSHI and Sweet Willows
(but not in conjunction!) 
'Nuff Said!
Alrighty Gals YOU'RE next:
Sadie Jane @ Simply Sadie Jane
Ashley @ Heart2Heart
Until Then....


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Amen sister friend!

  2. You are so stinkin' funny! Looks like we have quite a few things in common...
    I love seafood myself and SUSHI...mmm...that's good stuff :) Now for the snow goose jerky...think I'd have to pass on that one.

    Love getting to know you!

    Thanks for playing along!


  3. You are hilarious and i LOVED getting to know you better!! Thanks for the blog pledge and challenge!!
