Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Celebration: 100th Post and a GIVE AWAY!!!

Here it is gals!
My 100th post!
I like round numbers and reasons to celebrate so here we are!
I had sorta been avoiding this post over the weekend because I wasn't sure what I wanted to give away.
But then, as I was perusing Pinterest it hit me!
Check this out!

How CUTE is this braided hex nut bracelet from Honestly...WTF?!?

I have decided that I want one!
So, while I'm making one for myself I will also make one for Y-O-U!!
How does that sound?!?
If it sounds good or more than good then it's really easy to win!
All you need to do is leave a comment on THIS post telling me what color of string you would like and whether you want silver or gold hex nuts!

Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 7th @ 12am Central Standard Time!
The winner will be announced on Friday, April 8th!

I am SO very excited to have my first giveaway and I'm really looking forward to hearing from ya'll!


In other news, I just watched Bethenny's 40th B-Day episode and I was CRACKING up at the end when the entire fam piled into the tub!!

That dog was just chillin with the sunglasses on!
My dogs would have been running alllll over the place making a HUGE mess!
I love that show! I think she is funny and I love how she tells it like it is!

I have also been wanting to share a song with you guys for awhile.
If you haven't heard Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band then you should immediately listen to it below!

Didn't you love?!?
You have to watch the video all the way through to understand why they took the direction they did with the video...kinda funny!
But, it was the words that did it all for me.
(I like to make up my own little video in my head anyway! hehe!)
Sometimes, we just need to hear our man say that he's not going anywhere no matter what!
You know you have had a "crazy girl" moment!

I know I have been blessed to hear that from Hubster and it feels good!!!

Alrighty ya'll, ENTER THE GIVE AWAY!

Until Then....


  1. Brown with silver!!!

    I watched Bethenney last night too, they were so cute in the tub in their bathing suits. Loved cookies sunglasses!

  2. Congrats on your 100th post;). That bracelet is uber cool and I think it is awesome that you are going to make them. I think turquoise with silver would look rad!

  3. Congrats on your 100th post! Found you through the Shine project. I love that you spoke up and saved the mom and daughter's food. Cause I've been there with a little one having to run to the restroom.
    I love your new crafty project! Hmmm, color...how about red with silver.....or or ...oh if I won, it wouldn't matter, cause I would 'shine' wearing it! And if I don't win, I think you should post a little tutorial on HOW 2 make them. ;-)
    I'm your newest follower, btw.
